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Contact Diva Garage Doors

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Why use Diva Garage Doors?


Springs need regular servicing but sometimes break. We carry a range of spares for most doors


Springs need regular servicing but sometimes break. We carry a range of spares for most doors


Springs need regular servicing but sometimes break. We carry a range of spares for most doors

We Repair All Types of Garage Doors, Manual & Automatic

Free Survey and Quotation - You only pay for work carried out - No Repair, No Charge!

One Stop Repair shop for all your Garage Door Needs. Call Today 0800 158 5219

Garage Door Repairs, Adjustments, Setup & Service

If you need a Garage Door Repair we can help, our expert operatives know all there is to know about garage doors. From a basic repair to the more complex installations they can do it all. Most repairs are carried out on the same day visit. Call today on 0800 092 1294

There is nothing worse than having your Garage Door sticking and becoming difficult to open and close. We can offer you a Full Garage Door Service in place of a standard repair, we include all parts and installation in one service charge.

Garage Door Locks & Security Services

Garage door locks can often be problematic so we offer a complete lock replacement service. If your lock is not repairable or just worn out we can usually replace it on the same day call out. Security has never been more important so your Garage Door must be in perfect working order to keep your property safe and secure.

We offer a Same Day Service* for just these emergencies, one of our technicians will soon have your door secure and working on the same visit even if we have to order parts. Same Day Lock Repair Service*

Motor Control & Automation Repairs

We carry out repairs on most automated Garage Doors from replacement parts to remote control or mechanical problems, our Garage Door Operatives will soon have you Garage Door working again, very often on the same day visit.

If for any reason your motor is not repairable we can install a new motor and have you up and running in no time. If your Garage Door is stuck open we will always manage to close it to keep your property secure while we order the new parts. All new motors are Guaranteed up to 5 years.

Roller Garage Door Repairs & Set up

As well as supplying a second to none Garage Door repair service we also specialise in repairing and maintaining Roller Garage Doors. As well as installing and updating your existing door we also offer yearly servicing to maintain the security and avoid costly breakdowns.

We offer same day Garage Door repairs and carry most necessary parts to get your door operating again within one visit. If for any reason we need to order any parts we always leave your door secure and have the parts within 2-3 working days.